


This is by far the best, most comprehensive article I’ve seen yet regarding the Las Brisas issue (“Something in the Air,” Aug. 7). Thank you very much for an outstanding piece of journalism.Bill ReevesPosted at texasobserver.org

You have done a service to the people, especially the children, of this area, many of whom attend schools within a short radius of the proposed plant. Thank you for bringing this issue before the people of Texas, as we need help to oppose the moneyed interests and the powerful who do not protect those liable to suffer harm from this plant’s emissions.Ann SmithPosted at texasobserver.org

Poetic and powerful journalism. I hope city, county, and state officials will read it.Margaret DuranPosted at texasobserver.org

Our air, our water, and the aesthetic pleasure of the sea are the life of our city. We cannot have that stolen from us. Thanks for a great article.Emilie J. OlivaresPosted at texasobserver.org

Thank you so much for reporting facts. It’s tough to get anything but glossed-over myths, fear-mongering and misquoted partial truths from the majority of the “press” in Corpus.  These facts need to appear daily in local and state news venues or the CEC movement will be shut up and bulldozed under. Greed, greed and more greed seem to rule what happens (and doesn’t) in Corpus Christi.  Please stay on this issue and see if you can get your fellow investigative journalists to do the same!Jamie JosephsPosted at texasobserver.org

Thank you for this piece, although I wish more effort had been put into investigating claims about what jobs would truly be provided in Corpus Christi. Half-a-dozen white-collar executives and dozens of minimum-wage employees is a far cry from 80 jobs at $75,000 a year. If Corpus Christi sells its soul for those pitiful numbers, it can expect declines in tourism and an end to attracting new residents based on quality of life. So begins a downward spiral. Not what the Chamber [of Commerce] crowd wants, certainly. Sensible people call upon the Corpus Christi business community to end its usual shortsightedness and set its goals a little higher. Don’t build Las Brisas.Alyssa BurginPosted at texasobserver.org


Some historians might say that Texas is a rogue province of northern Mexico (“No Way Out,” Aug. 7), while others would view the taking by military force of approximately half of Mexico in 1848 as illegal. These poor people are simply being exploited.Lisa LebowskiPosted at texasobserver.org


Thank you very much for covering Under The Hood Café and the good people who go there (“Injured Hearts, Injured Minds,” Aug. 7).Casey PorterPosted at texasobserver.org

Wow! This really opened my eyes. I figured the whole town of Killeen was pro-war because it keeps them in business. Congrats to Under the Hood!Chayo ZaldivarPosted at texasobserver.org


It’s fantastic to have Ben Sargent producing cartoon commentary for the Observer (“Wackiest Governor,” Aug. 7)! Congrats to the Observer and Ben!Ted SiffPosted at texasobserver.org

Thank you for Ben Sargent’s latest cartoon. Whatever would we do for vicarious erotic entertainment if it weren’t for Republican politicians?Richard SutherlandLos Altos, Calif.