Sophie Novack



Sophie Novack is an editor and reporter at the Texas Observer, where she mostly writes about public health. She was previously a staff correspondent at National Journal in Washington, D.C., where she covered health care nationally and started reporting on reproductive health policy in Texas from afar. She has a bachelor’s degree in English from Dartmouth College.

Articles by Sophie Novack

How We Got Here

Texas’ health system has been underfunded, understaffed, and unprepared for years. Here, COVID-19 found the perfect place to spread.

by Sophie Novack

The road to Rachel Mellard’s ranch south of Marfa, where she had a home birth last spring.

The Traveling Midwife

In far West Texas, some women have to travel hours to give birth, endangering themselves and their babies. Could midwives help fill in the gap?

by Sophie Novack