Texas Legislature Considers Bills to Break the Cycle of Debtor’s Prison
“It turns out that when you give someone reasonable financial demands, they actually try to meet the commitment instead of ignoring it as unpayable.”
Since 1954
“It turns out that when you give someone reasonable financial demands, they actually try to meet the commitment instead of ignoring it as unpayable.”
Citing lost productivity, GOP lawmakers pounced on a bill that would make voting a little easier for state employees.
The first marijuana reform bill heard in committee this session would downgrade possession of an ounce to a civil offense and a fine up to $250.
Even two of the state’s largest anti-abortion groups have stopped short of endorsing House Bill 1500 because of its glaring constitutional problems.
With more than a dozen new Democrats in the Legislature, opponents of Trump’s wall and the state’s long-running border surge want to focus on facts, not warped rhetoric.