If you are in possession of data, documentation, recordings, photos, or videos that reveal threats or harm to the public interest and require investigation, we want to talk to you. If you are accessing this page on a work computer, phone, or tablet, please come back when you are using a personal device.

Whistleblowers may face personal and professional ramifications as a result of their actions. Before contacting us, we recommend that you take the time to understand that providing information to reporters could lead to legal, physical, economic, and psychological consequences. We also recommend that you assess risks to your digital security before making efforts to contact us. The Texas Observer cannot 100 percent guarantee your safety or security, but we will make every effort possible to maintain your confidentiality. 

Finally, please be patient. Investigations take time and could last months or even years depending on the information you provide. 

Here are  ways you can reach us while protecting your identity:

Send us postal mail

A low-tech but very secure way to send us documents is snail mail. Authorities aren’t allowed to open mail in transit without a warrant. Send us a letter or any records you have to the address below without a return address. You can address it to “Texas Observer” or a specific reporter.

Texas Observer
P.O. Box #11554
Austin, TX 78711

Editor’s Note: We are working to add additional ways to safely leak information to us.