In Battle for Shriveled Soul of GOP, Congressman Beats Youtuber
Videos making light of the Holocaust and the Troubles were not enough to get Brandon Herrera over the hump against Tony Gonzales.
Since 1954
Videos making light of the Holocaust and the Troubles were not enough to get Brandon Herrera over the hump against Tony Gonzales.
GOP lawmakers accomplished nothing substantial except create a platform for nativist propaganda and debates about the Pledge of Allegiance.
Naturally, a few of the state’s 25 GOP representatives are in the eye of the storm.
The two progressive candidates would represent a new left edge of the state's congressional delegation if primary voters from Austin to San Antonio to Laredo back them.
The city council member has been at the forefront of Texas cities’ push to advance progressive policy, drawing the ire of state Republicans. Now, Casar is looking to take the fight to Washington with a potential run in the 35th Congressional District.
The Panhandle congressman has been an unwavering hawk and a champion for bigger war budgets.
"When did the U.S. government get in the business of giving away the United States of America?" asked the director of a South Texas butterfly refuge.
“Steel slats, concrete barriers, or bollard-style fences – they are all the same,” said a McAllen congressman. “I will not stand by as some of my fellow Democrats fall into this trap.”
For years, the powerful Dallas congressman has used a largely unregulated political fund to court powerful special interests with luxurious perks.
The state’s dominant ag products, valued at $18 billion, are in the crosshairs of retaliatory tariffs. Still, most farmers here are hesitant to criticize Trump.