South Texas

Follow the Money: Part III

Texas money laundering investigations provided federal regulators with a roadmap for overseeing the real estate industry. They didn’t follow it.

by Jason Buch


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Follow the Money

Over the span of four years, federal investigators estimated millions of dollars stolen from Mexican taxpayers passed through one South Texas bank. When they followed the trail, it led to real estate, cars, and airplanes. But in 2018, those investigations suddenly stopped.

by Jason Buch

Siguiendo La Ruta Del Dinero

Durante cuatro años, los investigadores federales estimaron que millones de dólares robados a los contribuyentes mexicanos pasaron por un banco del sur de Texas. Cuando siguieron el rastro, condujeron a bienes raíces, automóviles y aviones. Pero en 2018, esas investigaciones se detuvieron repentinamente.

by Jason Buch