Texas Foresees Strong Revenue, Full Rainy Day Fund. Who Will Benefit?
In his biennial budget projection, Comptroller Glenn Hegar says the state will have a healthy surplus, plus a full economic stabilization fund for the first time in history.
Since 1954
In his biennial budget projection, Comptroller Glenn Hegar says the state will have a healthy surplus, plus a full economic stabilization fund for the first time in history.
Four nonprofits are urging the United Nations to pressure the federal government to protect queer residents of the Lone Star state.
After 12 years in office, the junior senator podcasts more than he legislates. But history suggests Texans will give him six more years to talk.
Senate Bill 4 could be the vehicle for the U.S. Supreme Court to finally unleash Lone Star Republicans on the world’s huddled masses.
It’s the latest instance of the state party’s right-wing officialdom embracing extremism, and vengeance, above all else.
A young teen reporter covers the Ken Paxton impeachment on typewriter, serpents fall from the sky and more dispatches from far-flung Texas.
Rural Republicans team up with Dems to reject vouchers in intra party showdown on the House floor.
"A man who doesn't spend time with his family can never be a real man."—Vito Corleone
A major U.S. Supreme Court case could be on the horizon as the Lone Star State takes international matters into its own hands.
The long arm of the lieutenant governor reached far into the Paxton impeachment saga.